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St. Bernadette School in West Lake, Ohio had grades K-8 collaborate on their Imagine the World Project.  Principal Monica Deitz was excited to bring the project to her school. Miss Reidel, Media Specialist, Mrs. Strippoli, Technology Teacher and Miss Byrnes, Art Teacher paired up older classes with younger classes and assigned one of six continents to each class. The older students and younger students did research on a country from their continent to get a feel for what differences and similarities were shared between cultures.

Their Special Edition was terrific and on their last day of class, the author surprised the students at their final assembly for a meet and greet.

Read the Flipbook

We work to turn all the books we’ve published into Flipbooks.  We are in the process of creating a Flipbook for St. Bernadette School.  In the meantime, here are some of the pages from their Special Edition.

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